PCC Moderator Leads Peace March, Invokes God’s Wrath Against Promoters of Anglophone Crisis

Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) Christians congregated in an ecumenical service at Buea’s Molyko Omnisport Stadium this Sunday to pray and preach peace in view of the World Peace Day coming up on Monday, September 21. Moderator, Samuel Fonki Forba led the peace march featuring hundreds of Christians of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, PCC. […]

Sep 21, 2020 - 12:55
Sep 22, 2020 - 10:05
 0  93
PCC Moderator Leads Peace March, Invokes God’s Wrath Against Promoters of Anglophone Crisis

Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) Christians congregated in an ecumenical service at Buea’s Molyko Omnisport Stadium this Sunday to pray and preach peace in view of the World Peace Day coming up on Monday, September 21. Moderator, Samuel Fonki Forba led the peace march featuring hundreds of Christians of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, PCC.

The believers at the gathering said God’s wrath is on those fuelling the four-year-long crisis in Cameroon’s two English-speaking regions for their personal gains. They noted that the crisis persists in the two regions because some people are reaping from it and would not want it to end. Speaking to the press, PCC Moderator, Samuel Fonki said: “We thought that we should bring out Presbyterians to create the awareness to enable them to know that they have to go out as agents of peace to transform our communities.”

This Sunday’s ecumenical service complimented other peace marches earlier done by PCC Christians in Buea within the week. In his sermon drawn from the Biblical book of Psalms 34: 14 Rev Samuel Fonki said evil has entangled Cameroon and the only thing left is for people to turn from evil and do good. According to the believers, it is time for people to return to God for a solution to the crisis as all other peace avenues have proved incapable. The march by the PCC comes after several calls for government and separatist fighters to lay down their arms. Thousands have been killed and hundreds of thousands more displaced due to the four-year-long war.








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