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ConnectYuBuzz is an information, education, and entertainment platform which keeps you abreast of all that is going on primarily in Africa and the world. ConnectYuBuzz lets you follow trending news locally and globally, provides rich and comprehensive content for your interests. Read the latest and most popular news articles on entertainment, politics, money & finance, business, technology, sports, lifestyle, fashion,- all delivered by top media outlets in Africa and the World.

Member since Jun 24, 2020

19-year-old develops Tour Guide App to help CHAN visito...

19-year-old Pemwoya Bryan Pangsui develops a Tour Guide App for Cameroon in prep...

Take Action! Resolutions, condemnations will not end An...

The bloody start to 2021 calls for urgency in starting an inclusive peace proces...

5 days to CHAN: Lions face two reproaching defeats at p...

By Tata Mbunwe As preparations heighten for CHAN deemed to begin this January 16...

Nord Ouest: Le Sous Préfet de NDU menace les populations

Le sous préfet de Ndu menace de représailles les populations qui observent les v...

Uganda reportedly orders internet shutdown 48 hours to ...

Ugandans may partake in their upcoming presidential election in an internet blac...

Douala-Bafoussam: 2 morts dans un accident

Les faits se sont produits dans la localité de Ndoungué dans le département du M...

Kribi: Sur le départ, le préfet de l’océan se réconcili...

Les conducteurs de mototaxis de la cité balnéaire n’ont pas attendu la passation...

Kribi: Le Procureur de la République saisit un requin d...

Le pêcheur auteur de la prise mis aux arrêts, puis relâché, pendant que le poiss...

2021: A relaxed year for Elections Cameroon, ELECAM

The annual revision of Cameroon’s electoral register starts today Monday, Januar...

North West: Regional delegate of public health ‘humilia...

Dr. Kingsley Che Soh has stated that the hemodialysis center at Bamenda regional...

Ambazonian fighters intercept, burn truck in Ewili, sho...

The truck driver had gone to supply sand in Ewili, a village in the outskirts of...

Menoua Division: Paul Biya convenes election re-run

Traditional rulers in the Menoua division in the West region of Cameroon will go...

Kits de dialyse: Cacophonie à l’hôpital régional de Bam...

Le Directeur de cette Formation Hospitalière et le Délégué Régional de la Santé ...

The New Normal: the key to mastering fast-changing tren...

A new insightful book titled The New Normal is now available to all. Cameroon-bo...

National And International News Roundup – 4th December ...

Kidney patients in the North West Region handicapped by finances and unable to s...

Ayah Foundation unveils decade-long plan to rescue Came...

By Tata Mbunwe The Ayah International Foundation is launching a 10-year initiati...

Maroua réfléchit aux décorations pour célébré 2021

Quel décor de Fête du Nouvel An 2021 pour la ville de Maroua? Les habitants de M...

Extrême Nord: 3 Morts à OUZAL après une attaque de Boko...

Ce matin, le 2 janvier 2021, Boko Haram à attaqué le village d’OUZAl. Les combat...

Cameroon: Local Football Championship slumps further

When Cameroon’s local league one and two football championships will resume is n...

YOSA buries Ndifon Akwa Alphones

Ndifon Akwa Alphones has been laid to rest at his Old Town residence in Bamenda,...