I am a journalist, studied Journalism and mass communicatiion in the University Of Buea. Have worked with Grace at work Productions, Belle View Entertainment, Impact television and presently working at Chillen media ( CMTV ) Cameroon. I am a blogger and an intrumentalist, playing the Piano as well as the drums. My passion for news is why i love bringing to you factual and current happenings around you to make you always inform. Information they say is power. Follow me on Facebook as MARIE GLOW INFO to get more updates. LET'S GET STARTED<<<<,,
For the past few days, the population of Buea town has been without light which ...
In a seminar that held in Yaoundé with the minister of higher education, prof. J...
President Donald Trump has vowed not to be part of nexts week's Tv debate with f...
Nigeria artists Falz and Runtown took on the streets in protest to end police br...
Kuwait's Emir passed on yesterday, Tuesday September 29, 2020 in a hospital in t...
In Bertoua, East Region of Cameroon, BIH soldier kills colleague over a woman. A...
The minister of secondary education, Pauline Nalova Lyonga, held a preparatory m...
Within 24hours, Government forces have shot dead four civilians in Bamenda and s...
One of LA Nouvelle Newspaper journalist has just being arrested in Yaounde, he's...
In regards to the Tribune Newspaper earlier this morning states that, " Cameroon...
Ivory Coast has withdrawn from African Human Rights Court saying, the court has ...
Hundreds of bike riders from the economic capital of Cameroon, Douala, came out ...
A disease known as Brucellosis has affected over 3,247 people in Northwest Chin...
Ivory coast has withdrawn from African Human Rights court saying, the court has ...
Ivory coast has withdrawn from African Human Rights court saying, the court has ...
The Archbishop of the Douala Metropolitan diocese has urged Cameroonians not to ...
Shocking story and images from Pitoa in Badjengo village in the North West Regio...
Cameroonian Artist, Longkana Agno Simon, alias longue longue was involved in an...
The Sud Cameroon Hevecam rubber plantation in the South Region of Cameroon is ex...
Some workers of the Cameroon Development Corporation ( CDC ) banana sector in Ti...