I am a journalist, studied Journalism and mass communicatiion in the University Of Buea. Have worked with Grace at work Productions, Belle View Entertainment, Impact television and presently working at Chillen media ( CMTV ) Cameroon. I am a blogger and an intrumentalist, playing the Piano as well as the drums. My passion for news is why i love bringing to you factual and current happenings around you to make you always inform. Information they say is power. Follow me on Facebook as MARIE GLOW INFO to get more updates. LET'S GET STARTED<<<<,,
The secretary -General has condemn the attack on civilians in a village hosting ...
Nzometiah Nervis Tetsop receives President Biya's prize for the best project of ...
An 18 year old boy has been imprisoned at the Kondengui, central prison of Yaou...
The military has opposed any opening today at commercial avenue Bamenda. Some sh...
Despite Kamto's warnings, Biya organizes regional elections
Thursday 3 september 2020, Brazil announces equal pay for men's and Women's foot...